Here's where you'll find lots of useful information about our customers' successes, product and partner news... and lots more!

Norwich City Council improves appointments experience and reduces costs
Residents walking into Norwich City Council’s offices used to have to give their information to a...
1 minute read

Mental Health Matters
Here at Jadu, mental health in the workplace is really important to us. Several of our colleagues...
3 minute read

Sitemorse Rankings: Consistency, Consistency, Consistency
We’re pleased to see that two new Jadu Creative sites (Broxbourne and Harrow) occupy the top two...
1 minute read

Operation London Bridge; how Local Authorities are preparing.
While it’s a topic that we don’t particularly like to talk about, it’s important for Local...
1 minute read

Queensland jump to Jadu
The Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) is well underway in their migration project...
2 minute read

Reviewing your cookie consent settings!
With General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Privacy and Electronic Communications...
1 minute read

4 Accessibility Tips for Local Government
Clare Cryer, Web Officer at Harrogate Borough Council, shares her expertise.
3 minute read

National Coding Week - Top 5 tips to get into Coding!
We’re proud of our amazing Engineers here at Jadu and we’re behind coding all the way. If it wasn’t...
2 minute read