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Posts about
Technology & A.I.

The Digital Layer: Building AI-Ready Organisations
Embracing the Culture Shift Required for Generative AI to Transform Organisations As I delivered...
3 minute read

Women in Engineering Day 2024
Meet Sarah Backhouse, Head of Product at Jadu. International Women in Engineering (INWED) is here...
3 minute read

The business case for accessibility has never been stronger
Lead on accessibility, and you'll be AI-ready as technology access enters a paradigm shift ...
4 minute read

5 Ways Digital Transformation Impacts the Customer Experience
Digital transformation has made it possible for local government to provide customers with better...
4 minute read

Twitter announces changes to its API access: what you need to know
Twitter has announced that starting on February 9th 2023, it will no longer provide free access to...
1 minute read

Legacy System Integration: How Wigan Council integrated their low-code digital platform with legacy asset management, saving over £100k a year (and is up for an award)
Wigan Council is always looking for ways to improve the experience for its citizens as part of the...
2 minute read

The Integrations Hub - 5 years on
Our ongoing mission to integrate with key line-of-business and cloud applications to automate...
1 minute read

Our reimagined Product Portfolio
2022 was a big year for us at Jadu. At the summer UK Jadu Academy event, we introduced our...
1 minute read