Queensland jump to Jadu
The Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) is well underway in their migration project with Jadu. They are in the process of moving the majority their member councils (circa 40) to the Jadu Continuum platform using Jadu Galaxies and eForms.

Here’s a little update from Glen Beckett, General Manager and Brett Johnson, Manager, Digital Member Services from the LGAQ.
Queensland, Australia is home to some of the largest councils in the world by both population and area, as well as some of the most remote. All up, the state’s 77 local authorities work to deliver the essential services and infrastructure needed for thriving communities. Like councils everywhere, the challenges faced by those in leadership roles will be all too familiar: pressure on remaining financially sustainable, the need for efficient service delivery, demands for quality customer and community services, as well as the importance of effective communication from elected decision-makers.
Today – more than ever – council websites play an important role in connecting residents, local businesses and visitors with the administration of their municipalities.
With over 100 local government websites under management, the Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) over the next 12 months is making the Jump to Jadu with the goal of providing a contemporary toolset capable of delivering a powerful digital footprint. Already well into our migration work there are many new, standout Jadu sites: the mystical and unexplained phenomena of the legendary Min Min Lights is captured with the title graphic of the new Boulia Shire Council homepage contributing to the uniqueness of the channel country located in far western Queensland.
The Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council (NPARC) sits atop the state situated in Cape York. A unique community that includes several towns home to aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Their new website showcases the beauty of the region and breadth of services and support available to the community. Their image gallery is worth a look.
Whilst Logan City Council is one of the largest and fastest-growing council regions in Australia. It is also one of the most diverse as it is home to 217 different ethnicities. Here LGAQ and Jadu are helping on several fronts including coordinating their digital transformation journey and ensuring their new corporate site is a leading online customer service hub as well as ensuring accessibility and plain English standards are national leading. This is just one of many stories where LGAQ in partnership with Jadu is equipping councils with global-leading technology to assist in enhancing their role in customer service excellence, disseminating council news and showcasing council-led events as well as Queensland council’s crucial role in disaster management.
We are also helping councils gain new insights into their operations through leveraging the power of Big Data and assisting them with communicating progress with new reporting tools including work on a publicly viewable emissions dashboard under construction. Improving the sector’s transparency and accountability has also been progressed with the launch of My Council Story which provides comparative data for a growing list of councils.
From small, remote indigenous communities in the far north, to the expansive western shires on the edge of the dessert to our large urban councils located in the South East – Jadu is making a significant contribution to the digital capability and sophistication of Queensland councils – all for the benefit of our many varied local communities.
It’s an exciting time for Queensland local government and our hope is to ensure that the work we do in Australia also serves the existing Jadu customer base in the UK and our work can be shared across the world through the newly launched Jadu Library.
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