Here's where you'll find lots of useful information about our customers' successes, product and partner news... and lots more!

"We're teaching A.I. about potholes... that's not something I ever thought I'd hear myself say"
Jadu Research & Development Engineer Mike Smart tells us about the part Artificial Intelligence...
3 minute read

FOI requests double for UK Councils
UK councils are handling nearly double the amount of Freedom of Information (FOI) requests compared...
1 minute read

Audible Accessibility: My experience using a SCREEN READER (ahead of Global Accessibility Awareness Day)
Craig Hellinger, UX Designer at Jadu Creative, blurs his screen, launches his screen reader and...
6 minute read

Why site search is critical for government authorities
An informed citizenry is at the heart of a dynamic democracy, but for that to be true, it’s...
4 minute read

It's the most wasteful time of year!
How are you managing your waste services this Christmas?
2 minute read

Supporting a secure web
Over the past couple of years Google, have been advocating adoption of a more secure web by...
1 minute read

Yep - those 4 letters ‘GDPR’
No doubt you have heard a lot about GDPR, whether it’s from us, or from many other organisations....
2 minute read

How we resolved the Hotmail deliverability Issue in CXM
At Jadu, we recently had trouble getting emails delivered to Hotmail mailboxes with our CXM...
3 minute read