Here's where you'll find lots of useful information about our customers' successes, product and partner news... and lots more!
Sending Webhooks using rules in Jadu CXM
We are pleased to announce the release of an exciting enhancement to our webhooks feature within...
2 minute read
TechShare Pro 2020 - Creating Accessible Content
In November 2020, members of the Jadu team attended TechShare Pro, an annual accessibility and...
2 minute read
4 popular 'building bricks' of digital LocalGov on the Jadu Library right NOW
The Jadu Library launched back in 2018 as an open source, community driven repository of shared...
2 minute read
Enjoy the ‘View’ in Jadu Content Portal
Hundreds of organizations use Hyland’s Enterprise Content Management (ECM) tools to provide their...
2 minute read
New Vuelio integration publishes press releases directly to Jadu websites
A new integration enables Vuelio, a platform used to create, schedule and send press releases to...
1 minute read
TechShare Pro 2020 - Making Social Media Accessible
In November 2020, members of the Jadu team attended TechShare Pro, an annual accessibility and...
2 minute read
Jadu Library assets used the most during 2020
Our customers in Local Government responded quickly to the Global Coronavirus crisis, launching new...
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10 Key Guest Quotes from the Jadu COVID-19 Community Podcast
Revisiting the Jadu Covid-19 Community Podcast, we’ve pulled out 10 key guest quotes to give you a...
3 minute read